1st U.S. metaverse wedding: The new tech has a fascinating way of merging souls

By Bitcoin Ethereum News

On February 6, 2022, the Rose Law Group’s Decentraland estate formalized a marriage in what was claimed to be the first ever U.S. wedding held in the metaverse.

Ryan and Candice Hurley of Phoenix, Arizona, are the first couple to be married using their metaverse digital identities.

As the first law firm in the United States’ metaverse to do so, Rose Law Group has awarded official acknowledgment of the validity of the marriage by creating a “meta-marriage framework” that includes a “Virtual Premarital Agreement.”

However, some glitches arose throughout the event. Decentraland struggled to accommodate a large number of virtual guests – all 2,000-plus of them.

About 20 minutes into the event, all of the NFT presents given to the participants were quickly claimed. There was an avatar of Ryan left in the aisle. Candice’s avatar didn’t display for some guests, while others saw a change in the bride’s outfit and color.