Growth of AI could boost cybercrime and security threats, report warns; Rose Law Group Chairman of Cybersecurity, Privacy and Emerging Technologies Troy Roberts says policies must deal with good and bad of artificial intelligence

Experts say action must be taken to control artificial intelligence tech

By Alex Hern | The Guardian

Wanton proliferation of artificial intelligence technologies could enable new forms of cybercrime, political disruption and even physical attacks within five years, a group of 26 experts from around the world have warned.

In a new report, the academic, industry and the charitable sector experts, describe AI as a “dual use technology” with potential military and civilian uses, akin to nuclear power, explosives and hacking tools.

“As AI capabilities become more powerful and widespread, we expect the growing use of AI systems to lead to the expansion of existing threats, the introduction of new threats and a change to the typical character of threats,” the report says.

They argue that researchers need to consider potential misuse of AI far earlier in the course of their studies than they do at present, and work to create appropriate regulatory frameworks to prevent malicious uses of AI.


“Visionary tech leaders have been ringing the AI warning bell for years, while lauding AI’s potential to positively advance humanity. This report more clearly identifies the malicious human element and the resulting threats that AI — like any new technology — poses when in the wrong hands. Now is the time for policy makers to examine AI issues with a calculated and informed approach, while keeping in mind the extraordinary benefits AI has to offer society.”

~ Troy Roberts